The “Distributed and Parallel Systems” research area led by Prof. Radu Prodan focuses on research and development of software tools to support the development and execution cycle of scientific and industrial applications on current parallel and distributed computing infrastructures.
Research Topics
- parallel and distributed systems
- Cloud computing and simulation
- high-performance computing
- performance analysis and prediction
- resource management and scheduling
- multi-objective optimization
- programming and runtime environments
- compiler technology
- energy efficiency

Expelliarmus is a novel semantic-centric approach to VMI management system in IaaS Clouds that helps to
minimize storage, publish and retrieval overheads. It incorporates three complementary features:
- VMIs are modelled as semantic graphs to expedite the similarity computation between multiple VMIs.
- Semantic-aware VMI decomposition and base image selection to extract and store non-redundant base image and software packages.
- Assemble VMIs based on the required software packages upon user request.
More information will be added soon …
More information will be added soon …
The research activity is focused on the optimized monitoring and measurement techniques purposely tuned for data-intensive
applications able to offer fine-granular performance statistics collection with controlled overhead at the exascale.
The underlying challenge consists in providing techniques for monitoring resource utilisation and instrumenting of the scalabale applications without causing large overheads in the instrumented system.
The research activity is focused on the auto-tunable system design (mathematical models, algorithms), which effciently performs orchestration of the massive data-intensive processes of the exascale systems while keeping in consideration the set of constraints. The underlying challenge consists in selection of tunable parameters space, optimization objectives and strategies for optimized (static, dynamic) control.
The optimization space created by these tunable parameters will be used as the core for the online scheduler operation that possibly considers multiple conflicting goals such as execution time, energy
and efficency by varying the tunable parameters.
Askalon is an Execution Engine, which supports workflow executions in:
- different Clouds (Amazon EC2, OpenStack, etc.)
- Cloud simulations (Groudsim), and
- Fog
As part of Askalon, a performance monitoring tool stores workflow execution traces in a PostgresSQL database.
ARTICONF researches and develops a novel set of trustworthy, resilient, and globally sustainable decentralised
social media services. ARTICONF addresses issues of trust, time-criticality and democratisation for a new
generation of federated infrastructure, to fulfil the privacy, robustness, and autonomy related promises that
proprietary social media platforms have failed to deliver so far.
Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Radu Prodan
Full Professor & Deputy head of the department
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dragi Kimovski, MSc
Dr. Seyedehhaleh Seyeddizaji
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Reza Farahani
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dipl.-Ing. Kurt Horvath
University Assistant
Mag. Dr. Marion Taschwer
System Administrator
Rudolf Messner
System Administrator
Martina Steinbacher
Margit Letter, BA
Zoha Azimi Ourimi, MSc
University and Project Assistant
Verena Stranner
Sabrina Maria Größing, BEd
Student Research Assistant for GSE

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Radu Prodan
Full Professor & Deputy head of the department
Room: S.2.62
Projects: ARTICONF, ASPIDE, APOLLO, CodeAbility Austria, ASKALON
- radu.prodan@aau.at
- +4346327003616
- www.itec.aau.at/~radu/

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dragi Kimovski, MSc
Room: S.2.51
Projects: ASPIDE, DATACLOUD, 5G Kärntner Fog
- dragi.kimovski@aau.at
- +4346327003658

Dr. Seyedehhaleh Seyeddizaji
Postdoctoral Researcher
Project: Graph-Massivizer
Room: S.2.55

Dr. Reza Farahani
Postdoctoral Researcher
Room: S.2.55
Projects: ATHENA, Graph-Massivizer

Mag. Dr. Marion Taschwer
System Administrator
Room: S.2.52
Projects: OVID
- mario.taschwer@aau.at
- +4346327003619
- www.itec.aau.at/~mt/

Martina Steinbacher
Room: S.2.61
Projects: ARTICONF
- martina.steinbacher@aau.at
- +4346327003603

Zoha Azimi Ourimi, MSc
University and Project Assistant
Room: S.2.55
Projects: GAIA, Graph-Massivizer
Ongoing Projects
We actively participate in numerous international and national research projects, ranging from basic research to application-oriented projects and direct cooperation with industry, such as:
- BABEG Kärntner Fog: A 5G-Enabled Fog Infrastructure for Automated Operation of Carinthia’s 5G Playground Application Use Cases (2021-2024)
- ADAPT: ADaptive and Autonomous data Performance connectivity and decentralized Transport decision-making Network, FFG and CAS, 2021-2023
- DataCloud: Enabling the Big Data Pipeline Lifecycle on the Computing Continuum, H2020, 2021-2023
- ARTICONF: smART SocIal media eCOsytstems in a blockchaiN Federated environment, H2020-ICT-2018-2, 2019-2022.
- ASPIDE: exAScale ProgramIng models for extreme Data processing, European Commission, H2020-FETHPC-2017, 2018 – 2020
- APOLLO: Intelligent Video Platform “APOLLO”, FFG, 10/2019-09/2021
- Code Ability: Digital unterstützte Programmierausbildung an österreichischen Universitäten, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF), 01/2020 – 12/2024
Completed Projects
We gained our expertise due to actively participation in numerous international and national research projects, ranging from basic research to application-oriented projects and direct cooperation with industry, such as:
- ENTICE: dEcentralized repositories for traNsparent and efficienT vIrtual maChine opErations, H2020-ICT-2014-1, 2015 – 2018
- eRamp: Excellence in Speed and Reliability for More than Moore Technologies, ENIAC Joint Undertaking, 2014 – 2016
- Tiroler Cloud: A federated Cloud for energy-aware resource provisioning for industrial and scientific applications, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), 2015 – 2018.
We teach basic lectures on distributed systems and compiler technology in bachelor and advanced Cloud, peer-to-peer, and parallel systems in the master program.
Carinthian Computing Continuum
The Carinthian Computing Continuum (C3) is a research laboratory and infrastructure provider in the field of Cloud, Fog and Edge computing. Our main research activities are focused towards exploring novel approaches for resources provisioning, infrastructure deployment and application scheduling across the Computing Continuum.