The ACM CoNEXT 2021 Workshop on the Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC (EPIQ)

07 December 2021  | Munich, Germany (Online)

Workshop Website

Daniele Lorenzi (Department of Information Engineering, University of PaduaItaly), Minh Nguyen (Christian Doppler Laboratory ATHENA, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt), Farzad Tashtarian (Christian Doppler Laboratory ATHENA, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt), Simone Milani (Department of Information Engineering, University of PaduaItaly), Herman Hellwagner (Christian Doppler Laboratory ATHENA, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt),  Christian Timmerer (Christian Doppler Laboratory ATHENA, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)

Abstract: HTTP Adaptive Streaming(HAS) has become a predominant technique for delivering videos in the Internet. Due to its adaptive behaviour according to changing network conditions it may result in video quality variations that negatively impacts the Quality of Experience (QoE) of the user. In this paper, we propose Days of Future Past, an optimization-based Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) algorithm over HTTP/3. Days of Future Past takes advantage of an optimization model and HTTP/3 features, including (i) stream multiplexing, and (ii) request cancellation. We design a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model that determines the optimal video qualities of both next segment requests and the segments currently located in the buffer. If better qualities for buffered segments are found, the client will send corresponding HTTP GET requests to retrieve them. Multiple segments (i.e., re-transmitted segments) might be downloaded simultaneously to upgrade some buffered but not yet played segments to avoid quality decreases using the stream multiplexing feature of QUIC. HTTP/3’s request cancellation will be used in case retransmitted segments will arrive at the client after their playout time. The experimental results shows that our proposed method is able to improve the QoE by up to 33.9 %.

Keywords: HTTP/3, QUIC, Days of Future Past, HAS, QoE

On October 27th, 2021, Negin Ghamsarian successfully defended her thesis on “Deep-Learning-Assisted Analysis of Cataract Surgery VIdeos” under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Schöffmann. The defense was chaired by Prof. Hermann Hellwagner and the examiners were Prof. Henning Müller (University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland and the University of Geneva) and Prof. Raphael Sznitman (University of Bern). Congratulations to Dr. Ghamsarian for this great achievement!

Title: Monitoring System Architecture for the Multi-Scale Blockchain-based Logistic Network

Authors: Vladislav Kashansky, Radu Prodan, Aso Validi, Cristina Olaverri-Monreal, Gleb Radchenko

Abstract: Contemporary control processes and methods in multi-scale, cyber-physical systems require precise data collection at various levels, timely transmission, and analysis involving large number of computing and storage elements connected within high-performance permissioned consensus networks. For example, in transport networks, resources tend to form multi-scale dynamical systems with diverse operational requirements, including data exchange policies and consensus protocols. Apart from designing complete topology, chaincodes and consensus logic, effective monitoring of the applications and infrastructure of such complex systems remains a research challenge. In this paper, we discuss important aspects of the data-intensive applications monitoring investigated in the frames of the ADAPT project.

We present highlights on the tool-sets, architectures and details on possible optimization approaches for monitoring data collection. We introduce a dynamic multi-scale monitoring system architecture with preliminary workflow model. It allows obtaining effective low-latency publish-subscribe matching of the dynamically varying monitoring tasks and executing machines.

Keywords: Logistics, transportation, decentralization, blockchain, monitoring systems, optimization, data-intensive systems, hybrid systems

Dragi Kimovski

Title: Autotuning of exascale applications with anomalies detection

Authors: Dragi Kimovski, Roland Mathá, Gabriel Iuhasz, Fabrizio Marozzo, Dana Petcu, Radu Prodan

Abstract: The execution of complex distributed applications in exascale systems faces many challenges, as it involves empirical evaluation of countless code variations and application run-time parameters over a heterogeneous set of resources. To mitigate these challenges, the research field of autotuning has gained momentum. The autotuning automates identifying the most desirable application implementation in terms of code variations and run-time parameters. However, the complexity and size of the exascale systems make the autotuning process very difficult, especially considering the number of parameter variations that have to be identified. Therefore, we introduce a novel approach for autotuning of exascale applications based on a genetic multi-objective optimization algorithm integrated within the ASPIDE exascale computing framework. The approach considers multi-dimensional search space with support for pluggable objectives functions, including execution time and energy requirements. Furthermore, the autotuner employs a machine learning-based event detection approach to detect events and anomalies during application execution, such as hardware failures or communication bottlenecks.

Keywords: Exascale computing, Autotuning, Events and Anomalies Detection, Multi-objective Optimisation


Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Radu Prodan was nominated as discussion leader for the defensio of Mrs. Zeinab Bakhshi from Mälardalen University in Stockholm Sweden.



Farzad Tashtarian is invited to talk on “Network-Assisted Video Streaming” at the University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

Dr. Gerhard Burian and Mag. Vladislav Kashansky participated on behalf of ADAPT collaboration in the international conference: Climate protection: state of play, division of labor, steps forward held at OeNB, Vienna on 07.10.2021.

The first face-to-face DataCloud Meeting took place in Rome, Italy, from October 04-06, 2021. The consortium discussed the architecture and the business cases in preparation for the first project review.

Ekrem Çetinkaya got the Best Doctoral Symposium Paper Award at ACM MMSys 2021 for his paper titled “Machine Learning Based Video Coding Enhancements for HTTP Adaptive Streaming”. More information about the paper can be found HERE.

Natalia Sokolova

Congratulations to Natalia Sokolova, who got her journal paper on “Automatic detection of pupil reactions in cataract surgery videos” accepted in the PLOS ONE journal. This work has been (co-)authored by Natalia Sokolova, Klaus Schoeffmann, Mario Taschwer, Stephanie Sarny, Doris Putzgruber-Adamitsch, and Yosuf El-Shabrawi.