A new ITEC research project on Surgical Quality Assessment in Gynecologic Laparoscopy (SQUASH) – in collaboration with the Medical University of Vienna – has been approved by the FWF Austrian Science Fund. In this research project the team around Klaus Schöffmann will investigate how to improve the efficiency and feasibility of technical skill assessment by automatic video content analysis, i.e, by content-based video retrieval and current methods of machine learning/deep learning.

More information is available here.

Please find the full AAU news blog article here.

The H2020 FET-HPC project ASPIDE started with the Kickoff meeting at the University Carlos III in Madrid.

Follow our progress on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Aspide group picture

OVID Relevance Detection in Ophthalmic Surgery Videos
Projektpartner Klinikum Klagenfurt (KABEG)
Ressourcen 3 Doktoranden für 3 Jahre, 1 Studienassistenten für 1,25 Jahre

Informatiker und Mediziner arbeiten in einem fachübergreifenden Forschungsprojekt mit Informatikschwerpunkt zusammen, in dem Methoden zur automatischen Erkennung von relevanten zeitlichen Segmenten in Augenoperationsvideos entwickelt und evaluiert werden sollen. Hauptziel ist dabei die Modellierung von Relevanz hinsichtlich der Verwendung von Videosegmenten für medizinische Lehre, Forschung und Dokumentation. Relevanzmodelle werden durch maschinelle Lernverfahren automatisch gelernt, wobei von Chirurgen annotierte Operationsvideos als Trainingsdaten dienen. Read more

Entice Logo

Prof. Radu Prodan and Dr. Dragi Kimovski participated at the final review of the H2020 project “ENTICE: Decentralised Repositories for Transparent and Efficient Virtual Machine Operations”, coordinated by their previous affiation, the University of Innsbruck.

Prof. Radu Prodan acquired a new H2020 FET-HPC project called ASPIDE: exAScale ProgramIng models for extreme Data procEssing. The ASPIDE project will contribute with the definition of a new programming paradigms, APIs, runtime tools and methodologies for expressing data-intensive tasks on Exascale systems, which can pave the way for the exploitation of massive parallelism over a simplified model of the system architecture, promoting high performance and efficiency, and offering powerful operations and mechanisms for processing extreme data sources at high speed and/or real-time.

tiroler cloud

Prof. Radu Prodan together with the help of Prof. Hermann Hellwagner obtained aproval for transfering the FFG Bridge-1 project Tiroler Cloud “A federated energy‐aware Cloud for industrial, business, and scientific applications” from the University of Innsbruck to the University of Klagenfurt. It is for the first time in its history that FFG approved changing the coordinator of an FFG Bridge-1 project.