Title: WELFake: Word Embedding over Linguistic Features for Fake News Detection

Authors: Pawan Kumar Verma (Lovely Professional University, India | GLA University, India), Prateek Agrawal (University of Klagenfurt, Austria | Lovely Professional University, India), Ivone Amorin (MOG Technologies | University of Porto, Portugal), Radu Prodan (University of Klagenfurt, Austria)

Abstract: Social media is a popular medium for dissemination of real-time news all over the world. Easy and quick information proliferation is one of the reasons for its popularity. An extensive number of users with different age groups, gender and societal beliefs are engaged in social media websites. Despite these favorable aspects, a significant disadvantage comes in the form of fake news, as people usually read and share information without caring about its genuineness. Therefore, it is imperative to research methods for the authentication of news. To address this issue, this paper proposes a two phase benchmark model named WELFake based on word embedding (WE) over linguistic features for fake news detection using machine learning classification. The first phase pre-processes the dataset and validates the veracity of news content by using linguistic features. The second phase merges the linguistic feature sets with WE and applies voting classification. To validate its approach, this paper also carefully designs a novel WELFake dataset with approximately 72,000 articles, which incorporates different datasets to generate an unbiased classification output. Experimental results show that the WELFake model categorises the news in real and fake with a 96.73% which improves the overall accuracy by 1.31% compared to BERT and 4.25% compared to CNN models. Our frequency-based and focused analyzing writing patterns model outperforms predictive-based related works implemented using the Word2vec WE method by up to 1.73%.

Acknowledgement: ARTICONF project

The full paper has been accepted to the main-track of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS’21). Conference will be organized in a virtual format on 16-18 June, 2021.

Title: Monte-Carlo Approach to the Computational Capacities Analysis of the Computing Continuum

Authors: Vladislav Kashansky, Gleb Radchenko, Radu Prodan

Abstract: This article proposes an approach to the problem of computational capacities analysis of the computing continuum via theoretical framework of equilibrium phase-transitions and numerical simulations. We introduce the concept of phase transitions in computing continuum and show how this phenomena can be explored in the context of workflow makespan, which we treat as an order parameter. We simulate the behavior of the computational network in the equilibrium regime within the framework of the XY-model defined over complex agent network with Barabasi-Albert topology. More specifically, we define Hamiltonian over complex network topology and sample the resulting spin-orientation distribution with the Metropolis-Hastings technique. The key aspect of the paper is derivation of the bandwidth matrix, as the emergent effect of the “low-level” collective spin interaction. This allows us to study the first order approximation to the makespan of the “high-level” system-wide workflow model in the presence of data-flow anisotropy and phase transitions of the bandwidth matrix controlled by the means of “noise regime” parameter. For this purpose, we have built a simulation engine in Python 3.6. Simulation results confirm existence of the phase transition, revealing complex transformations in the computational abilities of the agents. Notable feature is that bandwidth distribution undergoes a critical transition from single to multi-mode case. Our simulations generally open new perspectives for reproducible comparative performance analysis of the novel and classic scheduling algorithms.

Keywords: Complex Networks, Computing Continuum, Phase Transitions, Computational Model, MCMC, Metropolis-Hastings, XY-model, Equilibrium Model

Acknowledgement: This work has received funding from the EC-funded project H2020 FETHPC ASPIDE (Agreement #801091)

Prof. Radu Prodan

The project “Kärntner Fog: A 5G-Enabled Fog Infrastructure for Automated Operation of Carinthia’s 5G Playground Application Use Cases” proposes a new infrastructure automation use case in the 5G Playground Carinthia (5GPG). Kärntner Fog plans to create and deploy a
distributed service middleware infrastructure over a diverse set of novel heterogeneous 5G edge devices, complemented by a high-performance Cloud data center accessible with low latency according to 5G standards. Such an infrastructure is currently missing in the 5GPG and will represent a horizontal backbone that interconnects and integrates the application use cases. Kärtner Fog will automate the development and operation of the applications use cases in the 5GPG in an integrated and more cost-effective fashion to enable more science and innovation within a limited budget.

Involved Organisations: BABEG, ITEC@AAU, ONDA TLC GmbH, FFG/KWF

Coordinator: Prof. Radu Prodan
Project Start: 01.01.2021
Project Duration: 48 months

The manuscript “Cloud, Fog or Edge: Where to Compute?” has been accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of IEEE Internet Computing.

Authors: Dragi Kimovski, Roland Mathá, Josef Hammer, Narges Mehran, Hermann Hellwagner and Radu Prodan

Abstract: The computing continuum extends the high-performance cloud data centers with energy-efficient and low-latency devices close to the data sources located at the edge of the network.
However, the heterogeneity of the computing continuum raises multiple challenges related to application management. These include where to offload an application – from the cloud to the edge – to meet its computation and communication requirements.
To support these decisions, we provide in this article a detailed performance and carbon footprint analysis of a selection of use case applications with complementary resource requirements across the computing continuum over a real-life evaluation testbed.

Prof. Radu Prodan

Prof. Radu Prodan ist guest of honor at the 9th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications (SOFA), 27-29 Nov 2020, Arad, Romania. The title of his talk is “Distribute one Billion”.

Prof. Radu Prodan

The newspaper “Kronen Zeitung” published the article “IM KAMPF GEGEN CORONA: Universität Klagenfurt forscht mit den Chinesen” with Prof. Radu Prodan.

Prof. Radu Prodan

The newspaper “Kleine Zeitung” published the article “Medizinische Schutzausrüstung: Neue IT-Lösung soll Menschenleben retten” with Prof. Radu Prodan.


Authors: Dragi Kimovski, Dijana C. Bogatinoska, Narges Mehran, Aleksandar Karadimce, Natasha Paunkoska, Radu Prodan, Ninoslav Marina

Abstract: The proliferation of smart sensing and computing devices, capable of collecting a vast amount of data, has made the gathering of the necessary vehicular traffic data relatively easy. However, the analysis of these big data sets requires computational resources, which are currently provided by the Cloud Data Centers. Nevertheless, the Cloud Data Centers can have unacceptably high latency for vehicular analysis applications with strict time requirements. The recent introduction of the Edge computing paradigm, as an extension of the Cloud services, has partially moved the processing of big data closer to the data sources, thus addressing this issue. Unfortunately, this unlocked multiple challenges related to resources management. Therefore, we present a model for scheduling of vehicular traffic analysis applications with partial task offloading across the Cloud — Edge continuum. The approach represents the traffic applications as a set of interconnected tasks composed into a workflow that can be partially offloaded to the Edge. We evaluated the approach through a simulated Cloud — Edge environment that considers two representative vehicular traffic applications with a focus on video stream analysis. Our results show that the presented approach reduces the application response time up to eight times while improving energy efficiency by a factor of four.

Prof. Radu Prodan

This project started during the most critical phase of the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe where the demand for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from each country’s health care system has
surpassed national stock amounts by far. Therefore, the ADAPT consortia agreed to bundle its joint resources to develop and adaptive and autonomous decision-making network to support the involved stakeholders along the PPE Supply Chain in their endeavour to save and protect human lives as quickly as possible.

The partners will do that by providing a Blockchain solution capable of optimizing supply, demand and transport capacities between them, elaborating a technical solution for transparent and realtime certification checks on equipment and production documentation as well as distributed and parallel decision-making capabilities on all levels of this multi-dimensional research problem.

In total, the world community will spent more than € 49,6 billion on PPE medical equipment in 2020, € 7,7 billion thereof could be saved with the transport optimization of ADAPT and additional € 5,18 billion could be freed up in the financing and banking sector which could be reinvested immediately into the expansion of the world’s national health care systems.

ADAPT is a 36-month duration project submitted to 6th Call for Austrian-Chinese Coop. RTD Projects FFG & CAS.


  • Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Institute of Information Technology (UNI-KLU)
  • Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz, Intelligent Transport Systems-Sustainable Transport Logistics 4.0. (JKU)
  • Logoplan – Logistik, Verkehrs und Umweltschutz Consulting GmbH (LP)
  • Intact GmbH (INTACT)
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computing Technology (ICTCAS)