Auszeichnungen von ITEC Mitarbeitern


ITEC alumnus Daniel Posch wins the digitization scholarship (Digitalisierungsstipendium des Landes Kärnten)  of the Province of Carinthia within the category “Dissertation” (Supervision: Prof. Hellwagner). “

Klaus Schöffmann was awarded with the Carinthian “Kultur-Förderpreis” (area technical sciences).  More information is available HERE and HERE. Klaus will receive the prize officially on December 10, 2018 by the carinthian governor.


Daniel, our former team-member, was one of the 2018 candidates for the Heinz Zemanek Dissertation Award. He presented his dissertation (“Towards Effective Multimedia Dissemination in Information-Centric Networks”, supervised by Prof. Hermann Hellwagner) on May 30, 2018. Unfortunately he did not receive the award it is a great distinction to be among the very best.

Towards Effective Multimedia Dissemination in Information-Centric Networks

Hearing zum Heinz Zemanek Preis 2018


Based on their excellent performance in the review process Hermann Hellwagner & Christian Timmerer are among the 100 distinguished TPC members of IEEE Infocom 2018!

Andreas Leibetseder

At the CARE Workshop within the MICCAI 2017 (20th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2017), held in Quebec from September 10-14, Andreas Leibetseder received the Best Paper Award for the paper „Image-Based Smoke Detection in Laparoscopic Videos“, written together with Manfred Jürgen Primus, Stefan Petscharnig and Klaus Schöffmann. Congratulations!