Entries by Margit Letter


Hackathon – The Future of Education

            From September 19-21, professors and students from the University of Klagenfurt met with FH Villach, FH St. Pölten, and HTL Villach students for the Future of Education Hackathon. During this event, they were split into three groups to work on concepts and solutions in AI, digital platform ecosystems, and […]

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IEEE MIPR 2023: Keynote Speaker

Prof. Hermann Hellwagner is a keynote speaker at IEEE MIPR, 30th August – 1st September 2023. Title: Advances in Edge-Based and In-Network Media Processing for Adaptive Video Streaming Talk Abstract: Media traffic (mainly, video) on the Internet is constantly growing; networked multimedia applications consume a predominant share of the available Internet bandwidth. A major technical […]


Congrats to Dr. Reza Farahani on his doctoral defense

On 22.08.2023, Reza Farahani successfully defended his doctoral studies with the thesis on the title: “Network-Assisted Delivery of Adaptive Video Streaming Services through CDN, SDN, and MEC” under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Hermann Hellwagner and Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Christian Timmerer at ITEC. His defense was chaired by Assoc. Prof. DI Dr. Klaus Schöffmann […]