Daniel, our former team-member, was one of the 2018 candidates for the Heinz Zemanek Dissertation Award. He presented his dissertation (“Towards Effective Multimedia Dissemination in Information-Centric Networks”, supervised by Prof. Hermann Hellwagner) on May 30, 2018. Unfortunately he did not receive the award it is a great distinction to be among the very best.

Towards Effective Multimedia Dissemination in Information-Centric Networks

Hearing zum Heinz Zemanek Preis 2018


Prof. Radu Prodan

Prof. Radu Prodan together with Prof. Vlado Stankovski from the University of Ljubljana published a special issue on “Storage for the Big Data Era” in the Journal of Grid Computing.

Philipp Moll

Recent research in the field of Information-Centric Networking (ICN) shows the need for push-based data transfer, which is not supported in current pull-based ICN architectures, such as Named Data Networking (NDN). IoT deployments as well as emergency notifications and real-time multimedia communication are well suited to be realized using the ICN principles, but experience challenges in pull-based environments. Persistent Interests (PIs) are a promising approach to introduce pushlike traffic in Interest-based ICN architectures such as NDN. In this paper, we explore the characteristics of PIs and discuss advantages and disadvantages of using them. We provide an efficient solution for preventing so-called Data loops, which are introduced by giving up NDN’s one-request-per-packet principle. Furthermore, we investigate the performance of PIs compared to classical Interests in terms of the computational complexity of forwarding and discuss possible applications of PIs.
AT: IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference in Porto on 2018, June 3rd.
Preprint of the Paper

Prof. Radu Prodan

Radu Prodan’s paper in Journal of Supercomputing (“E-OSched: a load balancing scheduler for heterogeneous multicores”) is online now and can be accessed from the following URLs:

OVID Relevance Detection in Ophthalmic Surgery Videos
Projektpartner Klinikum Klagenfurt (KABEG)
Ressourcen 3 Doktoranden für 3 Jahre, 1 Studienassistenten für 1,25 Jahre

Informatiker und Mediziner arbeiten in einem fachübergreifenden Forschungsprojekt mit Informatikschwerpunkt zusammen, in dem Methoden zur automatischen Erkennung von relevanten zeitlichen Segmenten in Augenoperationsvideos entwickelt und evaluiert werden sollen. Hauptziel ist dabei die Modellierung von Relevanz hinsichtlich der Verwendung von Videosegmenten für medizinische Lehre, Forschung und Dokumentation. Relevanzmodelle werden durch maschinelle Lernverfahren automatisch gelernt, wobei von Chirurgen annotierte Operationsvideos als Trainingsdaten dienen. Read more

Prof. Kashif Munir from the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan, visits ITEC@AAU for a period of two months, invited by Prof. Radu Prodan. They will jointly investigate novel architectures and networking methods for next generation Fog computing infrastructures.

Christian Timmerer

Qualinet is a network of excellence initially funded by COST and technical sponsor of the International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (Qomex). Christian Timmerer is a member of the management committee and working group leader within Qualinet and steering committee member of Qomex. Qomex was hosted in Klagenfurt in 2013 and this year it will be held in Sardinia, Italy. Christian Timmerer will participate in the PhD mentoring program and in the industry panel discussing R&D aspects of QoE with representatives from Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, Opticom, and Netflix. Qomex is a top-ranked international conference and among the twenty-best conferences in Google Scholar for subcategory Multimedia. For further details please visit links below.

Dr. Dragi Kimovski presented his work on “Adaptive Nature-inspired Fog Architecture” at the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2018).

Prof. Jorge Barbosa from the University of Porto visited ITEC@AAU for a period of 10 days to conduct joint research in the area of virtualisation technologies and scheduling in Cloud computing.

On April 13, 2018 the ‘Lange Nacht der Forschung 2018‘ (long research night) took place again in Austria and the medical multimedia research group of ITEC did also participate in this exciting event that communicates research works to the public. Our booth at Klagenfurt University showed ‘How neural networks can help surgeons to improve surgical quality‘ and it was a great success: several thousands of people came to see our research efforts and they were stunned by our interesting demos and hands-on experiences: real-time instruments detection, real-time smoke detection (with dry ice), and several laparoscopic operation simulator boxes where visitors could test their surgical skills (we also had an original KARL STORZ Endoscope with corresponding laparoscopic instruments). Photo by Riccio.