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The OVID research project (relevance detection in Ophthalmic surgery VIDeos), funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), will start on October 1st, 2018 and run for three years. Together with research partners from Klinikum Klagenfurt, it will allow three PhD students (and an accompanying student assistant) to investigate challenging new research questions at the intersection of computer science and ophthalmic surgery. In particular, automatic classification and prediction of relevant content in video recordings from ophthalmic surgeries (e.g., operation phases, surgical actions, irregular events and their cause) should be evaluated for the purpose of medical training and retrospective analysis of irregularities. The researchers want to address these goals by using methods from video analysis, video compression, and machine learning (including deep neural networks). An interview summarizing the research goals can be found here (in German):

Hermann Hellwagner actively participated in the “IKT-Konvent 2018” in Vienna on September 17, 2018. The event was to boost Austrian R&D, commercial, and educational activities toward the fully digital and connected world. As one of the panel members, Hellwagner contributed to the session “5G Applications” which discussed potential applications and benefits of future 5G networks, how to prototype and introduce 5G infrastructure and applications, and which cooperations among industry, academia, and government are required to perform 5G projects and become a frontrunner in the 5G area.

Christian Timmerer

On September 18, 2018 Christian Timmerer participates on the PhD defense committee of Mario Cordina at the University of Malta. The title of Mario Cordina’s PhD is “Cross-Layer Design for Multi-View Video Plus Depth Transmission over LTE Networks in Crowd Event Scenarios”. Additionally, he delivered an invited talk about “HTTP Adaptive Streaming — State of the Art and Challenges Ahead” at the University of Malta, Department of Communications and Computer Engineering.

Mathias Lux

Mathias Lux was invited to give a talk at Simula Metropolitan, a joint research center of SIMULA research labs and Oslo Metropolitan University. Besides the talk he took the opportunity to work for two days with the people at SIMULA and talk about future and ongoing projects. Read more

Klaus organized and participated in the “Special Session of Multimedia Data for Medicine and Health” within the CBMI 2018 at La Rochelle, France. CBMI aims at bringing together the various communities involved in all aspects of content-based multimedia indexing for retrieval, browsing, management, visualization and analytics.


On Sept. 3rd, 2018, ITEC met for the annual research day. This being the first time for a lot of people, we learned a lot of interesting things on the work, focus and result of our colleagues and were able to identify potential collaborations and joint efforts. Time before lunch was filled by Pecha Kucha style presentations and after lunch we came together in group discussions to identify and report overlaps and potentially beneficial collaborations.

Prof. Radu Prodan and Dr. Dragi Kimovski participate at “The 1st ACM SIGOPS Summer School on Advanced Topics in Systems” where with many proeminent speakers in the area of distributed systenms. They will also present a poster on their work on “A Nature-Inspired Adaptive Fog Architecture”.

Christian Timmerer

ITEC researcher Christian Timmerer co-authored a survey on bitrate adaptation schemes for streaming media over HTTP which has been accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial and will be available as open access. This journal covers all aspects of the communication field with an impact factor of 20.23 according to IEEEExplore.

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Prof. Radu Prodan

The project proposal “smART SocIal media eCOsytstems in a blockchaiN Federated environment” (ARTICONF) has been accepted and the project will be coordinated by ITEC under the leadership of Prof. Radu Prodan. There are seven participating project partners and the project duration is 36 months.