Auszeichnungen von ITEC Mitarbeitern

At the HiPC 2024 (31st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analysis) held in Bengaluru, India from December 18-21, Haleh Dizaji received the HiPC Distinguished Paper Award for the paper “Graph Sampling Quality Prediction for Algorithm Recommendation” written together with Reza Farahani, Joze M. Rozanec, Ahmet Soylu, Dragi Kimovski and Radu Prodan. Radu Prodan who participated in the conference received the award. Congratulations!




On October 3rd, 2024, Hermann’s retirement was celebrated with a special event. During the celebration, the Governor of Carinthia presented him with the Grand Decoration of Honour from the State of Carinthia. In his farewell lecture, Hermann reflected on important topics from his 30-year career, many of which went beyond informatics. He spoke about issues that are relevant to all stages of working life. The lecture was titled “30 Years as an Informatics Professor: Insights and Outlooks.” Many colleagues and friends shared their experiences working with Hermann and wished him well in retirement. Prof. Erich Schwarz moderated the event.

On June 10, 2024, the 7th Lifelog Search Challenge (LSC 2024), an international competition on lifelog retrieval took place as a workshop at the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2024) in Phuket, Thailand. The LSC is organized by a large international team (Cathal Gurrin, Björn Þór Jónsson, Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen, Jakub Lokoc, Klaus Schoeffmann, Minh-Triet Tran, Steve Hodges, Graham Healy, Luca Rossetto, and Werner Bailer) and attracted 21 teams from all around the world (Austria, Czechia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland, and Vietnam). The competition tests how fast and accurate state-of-the-art lifelog retrieval systems can solve search tasks (known-item search, ad-hoc search, visual question answering) in a shared dataset of about 720000 images, collected by an anonymous  lifelogger over 18 months. With the LIFEXPLORE system developed by Martin Rader, Mario Leopold, and Klaus Schöffmann, ITEC could win this competition for the second time in a row and was awarded for the Best LSC System. Congratulations!

At the PCS 2024 (Picture Coding Symposium), held in Taichung, Taiwan from June 12-14, Hadi Amirpour received the Best Paper Award for the paper “Beyond Curves and Thresholds – Introducing Uncertainty Estimation To Satisfied User Ratios for Compressed Video” written together with Jingwen Zhu, Raimund Schatz, Patrick Le Callet and Christian Timmerer. Congratulations!

Based on the 2023 TPDS editorial data and his excellent performance, Radu Prodan received the 2024 IEEE TPDS Award for Editorial Excellence. His achievement will be recognized by IEEE and his name will appear at the IEEE award website


The diveXplore video retrieval system, by Klaus Schoeffmann and Sahar Nasirihaghighi, was awarded as the best ‘Video Question-Answering-Tool for Novices’ at the 13th Video Browser Showdown (VBS 2024), which is an international video search challenge annually held at the International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM 2024), which took place this year in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. VBS 2024 was a 6-hours long challenge with many search tasks of different types (known-item search/KIS, ad-hoc video search/AVS, question-answering/QA) in three different datasets, amounting for about 2500 hours of video content, some performed by experts and others by novices recruited from the conference audience.

diveXplore teaser:

diveXplore demo paper:

VBS info:

We’re excited to share that the ACM Special Interest Group in Multimedia (SIGMM) presents to

Stefan Lederer, Christopher Müller, and Christian Timmerer

The SIGMM Test of Time Paper Honorable Mention in the category of “MM Systems & Networking”

for their paper “Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP Dataset”. In Proceedings of the 3rd Multimedia Systems Conference, MMSys ’12, page 89–94, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM. doi:10.1145/2155555.2155570

The Interactive Video Retrieval for Beginners (IVR4B) special session and competition took place on September 21, 2023, at the International Conference on Multimedia Indexing (CBMI2023) in Orleans, France.

We are happy to announce that Klaus Schoeffmann could save the BEST KIS-VISUAL award for this competition, with his interactive video search system diveXplore.







From September 19-21, professors and students from the University of Klagenfurt met with FH Villach, FH St. Pölten, and HTL Villach students for the Future of Education Hackathon. During this event, they were split into three groups to work on concepts and solutions in AI, digital platform ecosystems, and gamification to solve various problems and improve the future of education. The gamification group consisted of Samuele and Elias from the master’s program Game Studies and Engineering and Noah and David from the HTL Villach for Informatics. Their supervisors during this event were Mathias Lux, Sebastian Uitz, and Wolfgang Hoi, with expert support from Fabian Schober on the event’s second day.

Throughout the 3 day event, they worked on a solution to utilize gamification to foster the development of skills, knowledge, and competencies and generate a motivating, clear, and exciting journey. Their solution consisted of a gamified study tracker, which tracks the student’s progress, recommends additional courses, and keeps the student motivated via quests and competition. This tracker is combined with the Study Buddy, an AI chatbot to interact with the student more naturally and ask them about their study, presents quests, and helps if the motivation drops. The final step of their solution was the “Job Tinder” which can be used to look for possible jobs in a fun way and which will recommend jobs based on the information gathered via the student tracker.

On the event’s last day, all solutions were pitched to a Jury, and after a lengthy discussion, the gamification team was elected as the winning team.

A video summary of this event is available via the following link. German only.

HACKATHON | The Future Of Education


We are very happy to announce that Klaus Schoeffmann, with his lifelog retrieval system lifeXplore, has won the Lifelog Search Challenge 2023 (LSC2023). The LSC2023 was performed on June 12, 2023, in Thessaloniki, Greece, as a workshop at the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR2023). In total, 30 different search tasks (known-item search, ad-hoc topic search, and question answering) had to be solved by all 14 international teams. After four hours of strong competition, lifeXplore came out on top of the other search systems and scored first.