Christian Timmerer

Authors: Raimund Schatz (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Anatoliy Zabrovskiy (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Christian Timmerer(Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Bitmovin Inc.)
Abstract: Omnidirectional video (ODV) streaming applications are becoming increasingly popular. They enable a highly immersive experience as the user can freely choose her/his field of view within the 360-degree environment. Current deployments are fairly simple but viewport-agnostic which inevitably results in high storage/bandwidth requirements and low Quality of Experience (QoE). A promising solution is referred to as tile- based streaming which allows to have higher quality within the user’s viewport while quality outside the user’s viewport could be lower. However, empirical QoE assessment studies in this domain are still rare. Thus, this paper investigates the impact of different tile-based streaming approaches and configurations on the QoE of ODV. We present the results of a lab-based subjective evaluation in which participants evaluated 8K omnidirectional video QoE as influenced by different (i) tile-based streaming approaches (full vs. partial delivery), (ii) content types (static vs. moving camera), and (iii) tile encoding quality levels determined by different quantization parameters. Our experimental setup is characterized by high reproducibility since relevant media delivery aspects (including the user’s head movements and dynamic tile quality adaptation) are already rendered into the respective processed video sequences. Additionally, we performed a complementary objective evaluation of the different test sequences focusing on bandwidth efficiency and objective quality metrics. The results are presented in this paper and discussed in detail which confirm that tile-based streaming of ODV improves visual quality while reducing bandwidth requirements.

Index Terms: Omnidirectional Video, Tile-based Streaming, Subjective Testing, Objective Metrics, Quality of Experience

Acknowledgment: This work was supported in part by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) under the Next Generation Video Streaming project “PROMETHEUS”.


The Institute of Information Technology at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt invites applications for Post-Doctoral Research Positions (100% employment) within the Christian Doppler (CD) Pilot Laboratory ATHENA “Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked Multimedia Services” ATHENA-JobApplication PostDoc

The Institute of Information Technology at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt invites applications for Doctoral Student Positions (100% employment) within the Christian Doppler (CD) Pilot Laboratory ATHENA “Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked Multimedia Services” ATHENA-JobApplication

Wir feiern das zweijährige Bestehen des Masterprogramms Game Studies and Engineering an der Universität Klagenfurt mit einer besonderen Abendveranstaltung. Am 22. Jänner laden wir Sie um 18.30 Uhr in den Hörsaal 4 ein, um gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen Blick auf bisher Geleistetes und in die Zukunft der Game Studies und ihre Rolle für die technologischen und sozialen Herausforderungen der Menschheit für das digitale Zeitalter zu werfen.

Highlight des Abends ist der Vortrag „Project Discovery: Designing Games for a Better World“ von Attila Szantner. Als CEO und Mitbegründer von Massively Multiplayer Online Science (MMOS) ist er spezialisiert darauf Videospiele mit dem Themenfeld der Citizen Science zu vereinen. Für sein Projekt Discovery, das Spieler der Weltraumsimulation EVE Online menschliche Zellen analysieren lässt und damit unter anderem positiv zur Krebsforschung beitragen konnte, wurde er mit dem renommierten Lovie Award ausgezeichnet. Abgerundet wird Herrn Szantners Vortrag von kurzen Präsentationen der Mitbegründer des Masterprogramms Game Studies and Engineering und ihren an der Universität verfolgten Projekten und Perspektiven.

Als internationales Masterprogramm wird die Veranstaltung auf Englisch stattfinden. Wir freuen uns auf Ihr erscheinen.

Prof. Hellwagner, head of ITEC, has been appointed Member of the Scientific Board of  the CD Research Association for the period of 2019. The Christian Doppler Research Association promotes cooperation between science and business, whereas the Scientific Board and its members serve as scientific advisory committee to ensure the quality of research. The CDG Scientific Board consists of up to 45 members from Academia and Business. Prof. Hellwagner’s appointment is effective from January, 2019.

ATHENA stands for Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked Multimedia Services and has been jointly proposed by the Institute of Information Technology (ITEC; at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU) and Bitmovin GmbH ( to address current and future research and deployment challenges of HTTP adaptive steaming (HAS) and emerging streaming methods. Read more

The 2nd Winter Game Jam is open to everyone who likes games and wants to create, test and talk about games. Starting on Friday the topic will be revealed to all participants at the same time and random groups will brainstorm games. Then, after the ideas are pitched, team will emerge around ideas and games are to be created. Finally, on Sunday, the projects are presented to a jury and a price for the most awesome project is awarded.

*-*-* Breaking News *-*-*

Our beloved Gamebert is now on Facebook! Background stories on Gamepics and the Game Jams are what he contributes to the general noise of the internet.

Gamebert is the figure of game related activities at Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt and the mascot of the Game Jams there.

See more on youtube


A new ITEC research project on Surgical Quality Assessment in Gynecologic Laparoscopy (SQUASH) – in collaboration with the Medical University of Vienna – has been approved by the FWF Austrian Science Fund. In this research project the team around Klaus Schöffmann will investigate how to improve the efficiency and feasibility of technical skill assessment by automatic video content analysis, i.e, by content-based video retrieval and current methods of machine learning/deep learning.

More information is available here.

StarTrek Book Launch Party, Dec 12 2018

What to do before the 2nd Winter Game Jam? "Set Phasers to Teach! Star Trek in Research and Teaching" an edited book reflecting the ideas of the Star Trek universe from different academic views is presented on Dec 12 2018 at Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt: Star Trek Book Launch PartyDecember 12, 2018 6-9 pmUniversität Klagenfurt | Stiftungssaal der Kärntner Sparkasse

Gepostet von Gamebert am Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2018

What to do before the 2nd Winter Game Jam? “Set Phasers to Teach! Star Trek in Research and Teaching” an edited book reflecting the ideas of the Star Trek universe from different academic views is presented on Dec 12 2018 at Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt:

Star Trek Book Launch Party
December 12, 2018 6-9 pm
Universität Klagenfurt | Stiftungssaal der Kärntner Sparkasse