Entries by Rudolf Messner

ITEC Research Day 2018

On Sept. 3rd, 2018, ITEC met for the annual research day. This being the first time for a lot of people, we learned a lot of interesting things on the work, focus and result of our colleagues and were able to identify potential collaborations and joint efforts. Time before lunch was filled by Pecha Kucha […]

HORIZON 2020 project ARTICONF accepted!

The project proposal “smART SocIal media eCOsytstems in a blockchaiN Federated environment” (ARTICONF) has been accepted and the project will be coordinated by ITEC under the leadership of Prof. Radu Prodan. There are seven participating project partners and the project duration is 36 months.


Philipp Moll @ UCLA

Philipp Moll is currently visiting his Mentor Jeff Burke at UCLA in Los Angeles. During the stay at UCLA, he is working together with the researchers of the _Center for Research in Engineering, Media, and Performance_ (REMAP) and with Lixia Zhang’s group of the _Internet Research Lab_ (IRL). The stay is enabled by the Young […]

Successful Game Jam Retreat @ Turracherhöhe

From July 12th to July 14th, staff and students affiliated with the Klagenfurt Game Jam have gathered at the Turracher Höhe for a retreat to discuss the status quo of gaming at Universität Klagenfurt. Organised by Assoc. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Mathias Lux, the team of fellow professors, as well as university and student assistants, has […]


Christian Timmerer to give a tutorial at IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2018 in San Diego, CA, USA

The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) is sponsored by four IEEE societies since 2000 and provides a forum to discuss latest developments in the domain of multimedia technologies related to circuits and systems, communications, computer, and signal processing communities. Dr. Timmerer will give a full-day tutorial on “Delivering Traditional and Omnidirectional Media” together […]


Sabrina Kletz presented her poster “On Reducing Effort in Evaluatiing Laparoscopic Skills” at Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS 2018), Buenos Aires, Argentinia.

Abstract: Training and evaluation of laparoscopic skills have become an important aspect of young surgeons’ education. The evaluation process is currently performed manually by experienced surgeons through reviewing video recordings of laparoscopic procedures for detecting technical errors using conventional video players and specific pen and paper rating schemes. The problem is, that the manual review […]


Christian Timmerer attends 123rd ISO/IEC MPEG meeting in Ljubljana to discuss latest standardization efforts in multimedia communication

The 123rd MPEG meeting will be hosted from Monday, 16 July 2018 to Friday, 20 July 2018 in Ljubljana. The agenda contains various standardization items in the area of audio, video, 3D graphics, and systems, specifically on versatile video coding (VVC), MPEG-DASH, and MPEG-I. Dr. Timmerer is a long-standing MPEG member and currently works in the area […]