Entries by Rudolf Messner


ACM NOSSDAV’19 paper on “Bandwidth Prediction in Low-Latency Chunked Streaming” accepted

Authors: Abdelhak Bentaleb, Christian Timmerer, Ali C. Begen, and Roger Zimmermann Abstract: HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS) with chunked transfer encoding can be used to reduce latency without sacrificing the coding ef- ficiency. While this allows a media segment to be generated and delivered at the same time, it also causes grossly inaccurate bandwidth measurements, leading to […]


Andreas Leibetseder @ Florida Atlantic University

Within the scope of the AAU’s young Scientists Mentoring Programme, Andreas Leibetseder is visiting his mentor Oge Marques, Professor at the Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton, Florida. During his stay over the course of April, he intends to advance in his PhD studies […]


Article “Active Online Learning for Social Media Analysis to Support Crisis Management” published in the “early access” area of the prestigious journal IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

The paper “Active Online Learning for Social Media Analysis to Support Crisis Management” was published as an “early access” article in the journal IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (Q1 in ScimagoJR). The research leading to these results received funding from the EU FP7 Programme under grant agreement no. 261817 and was performed in collaboration with Bournemouth University, UK.


QoMEX’19 paper on “Tile-based Streaming of 8K Omnidirectional Video: Subjective and Objective QoE Evaluation” accepted

Authors: Raimund Schatz (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Anatoliy Zabrovskiy (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Christian Timmerer(Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Bitmovin Inc.) Abstract: Omnidirectional video (ODV) streaming applications are becoming increasingly popular. They enable a highly immersive experience as the user can freely choose her/his field of view within the 360-degree environment. Current deployments are fairly simple but viewport-agnostic which inevitably results in high storage/bandwidth […]


Post-Doctoral Research Position (100% Employment)

The Institute of Information Technology at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt invites applications for Post-Doctoral Research Positions (100% employment) within the Christian Doppler (CD) Pilot Laboratory ATHENA “Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked Multimedia Services” ATHENA-JobApplication PostDoc


Doctoral (PhD) Position (100% employment)

The Institute of Information Technology at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt invites applications for Doctoral Student Positions (100% employment) within the Christian Doppler (CD) Pilot Laboratory ATHENA “Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked Multimedia Services” ATHENA-JobApplication


Two Years of Game Studies and Engineering – Embracing the Importance of Videogames for the Digital Age

Wir feiern das zweijährige Bestehen des Masterprogramms Game Studies and Engineering an der Universität Klagenfurt mit einer besonderen Abendveranstaltung. Am 22. Jänner laden wir Sie um 18.30 Uhr in den Hörsaal 4 ein, um gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen Blick auf bisher Geleistetes und in die Zukunft der Game Studies und ihre Rolle für die technologischen und sozialen Herausforderungen der Menschheit für […]


8th Video Browser Showdown (VBS) at MMM2019 in Thessaloniki

Last week, Klaus Schoeffmann co-organized the 8th Video Browser Showdown (VBS) at MMM2019 in Thessaloniki, and it was a great success. For the first time they used the V3C1 dataset (Part 1 of the Vimeo Creative Commons Collection), which consists of 7475 video files that amount for about 1000 hours of content. The six participating teams (including […]


Hermann Hellwagner appointed Member of Scientific Board of Christian Doppler Research Association

Prof. Hellwagner, head of ITEC, has been appointed Member of the Scientific Board of  the CD Research Association for the period of 2019. The Christian Doppler Research Association promotes cooperation between science and business, whereas the Scientific Board and its members serve as scientific advisory committee to ensure the quality of research. The CDG Scientific […]


Christian Doppler Research Association approves ATHENA project proposal

ATHENA stands for Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked Multimedia Services and has been jointly proposed by the Institute of Information Technology (ITEC; https://itec.aau.at) at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU) and Bitmovin GmbH (https://bitmovin.com) to address current and future research and deployment challenges of HTTP adaptive steaming (HAS) and emerging streaming methods.