Entries by martina

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Klaus Schöffmann and Mario Taschwer outline the research goals of their new FWF stand-alone project on relevance detection in ophthalmic surgery videos.

The OVID research project (relevance detection in Ophthalmic surgery VIDeos), funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), will start on October 1st, 2018 and run for three years. Together with research partners from Klinikum Klagenfurt, it will allow three PhD students (and an accompanying student assistant) to investigate challenging new research questions at the intersection […]


Hermann Hellwagner @ IKT-Konvent 2018

Hermann Hellwagner actively participated in the “IKT-Konvent 2018” in Vienna on September 17, 2018. The event was to boost Austrian R&D, commercial, and educational activities toward the fully digital and connected world. As one of the panel members, Hellwagner contributed to the session “5G Applications” which discussed potential applications and benefits of future 5G networks, […]