Entries by martina

Computer Graphics Course in SS 2021 – Prof. Carsten Griwodz

ITEC is delighted to announce the next speaker in our guest lecture series – Prof. Carsten Griwodz from the University of Oslo & SIMULA Research Laboratory, Norway. The online-course will take place from March 5 – May 28, 2021. This course is meant to provide the participants with the means for evaluating end-user satisfaction with […]

Feedback on online-teaching

Teaching in times of Corona is a particular challenge. An online survey among AAU students shows that they were delighted with the digital teaching formats. Here you will find the best feedback from the students: https://www.aau.at/feedback-zur-online-lehre/ Josef received very positive reviews, for example: “The course became more and more enjoyable, not only because of the […]

“Deblurring Cataract Surgery Videos Using a Multi-Scale Deconvolutional Neural Network” has been accepted

The paper “Deblurring Cataract Surgery Videos Using a Multi-Scale Deconvolutional Neural Network” has been accepted for publication at the “IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging”, located at Iowa City, Iowa, USA (April 3-7, 2020). This conference is a joint initiative from the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology […]

Networked Multimedia Systems course in SS 2019 – Ass.-Prof. Ali C. Beğen

ITEC is delighted to announce the next speaker in our guest lecture series – Ass.-Prof. Ali C. Beğen from Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey. The course will take place April 1-12, 2019. This course introduces different types of applications that enhance the world of multimedia and the Web, and the systems and data structures that are […]

Augmented Reality course in SS 2019 – PD Dr. Ralf Klamma

ITEC is delighted to announce the next speaker in our guest lecture series – PD Dr. Ralf Klamma from RWTH Aachen University. The course will take place from June 12-19, 2019. This course presents an introduction to Augmented Reality, with emphasis on designing and developing Augmented Reality applications. For more information on the course, click […]