Distributed and Parallel Systems

In a noteworthy presence at the 16th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2023), Dragi Kimovski and Narges Mehran presented three workshop papers:

  1. Marcus Reitzl and Dragi Kimovski, “Multi-Objective Optimisation of Container Orchestration Systems”,
  2. Narges Mehran, Dragi Kimovski, Hermann Hellwagner, Dumitru Roman, Ahmet Soylu, and Radu Prodan, “Scheduling on the Computing Continuum: A Survey “,
  3. Narges Mehran, Arman Haghighi, Pedram Aminharati, Nikolay Nikolov, Ahmet Soylu, Dimitru Roman and Radu Prodan, “Comparison of Microservice Call Rate Prediction for Replication in the Cloud”. 

 Additionally, Dragi Kimovski took on the role of a session chair, leading discussions on the intricacies of scheduling in the computing continuum. 

Radu Prodan/ITEC will organise the CERCIRAS Training School (on behalf of COST Action CA19135) from August 26 – 30, 2024 at the University of Klagenfurt. Details and programs will be available soon.

Radu Prodan participated on November 1, 2023, as an external opponent at the PhD defense of Ruyue Xin ((Title of the dissertation: Towards Effective Performance Diagnosis for Distributed Applications), supervised by Dr. Zhiming Zhao, Dr. Paola Grosso and Prof. Cees de Laat at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.


The Graph Massivizer Project is part of the European Big Data Value Forum!

The team participates in a session exploring the latest in #KnowledgeGraph technology with real-world use cases in agrifood, industry 4.0 and healthcare. As part of the session, metaphacts GmbH founder Peter Haase will discuss the importance of knowledge graphs as a foundational layer for #AI applications.

The @DataCloud2020 dissemination Workshop, oriented by project partners @SINTEF, took place on the 26th of October as part of the @icpm_conf 2023, hosted by @SapienzaRoma. Narges Mehran participated for UNI-KLU.
@DataCloud2020 booth stand at the Auditorium Antonianum for the 5th International Conference on Process Mining (@icpm_conf 2023).

The Symposium “The Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) carnival” took place on the 19th of October 2023 at the Wageningen University & Research Campus and was organized in collaboration with the Wageningen Data Competence Center (WDCC).

This symposium provided an in-depth examination of cutting-edge themes from areas such as the Web, Semantic Web, linked data and knowledge graphs, LLMs, MLOps, cloud computing, data infrastructures and data space, FAIR data management, and related developments.

Leading experts shared the latest research and applications in these areas, fostering collaboration and offering insights into emerging trends.

The event concluded with the inaugural lecture of Prof. Dr. Anna Fensel.


Delighted to host last #PlenaryMeeting of #Datacloud 2020 project. Final adjustments for tool integration and business cases deployments ahead.

Authors: Gregor Molan, Gregor Dolinar, Jovan Bojkovski, Radu Prodan, Andrea Borghesi, Martin Molan

Journal: IEEE Access

Purpose: The gap between software development requirements and the available resources of software developers continues to widen. This requires changes in the development and organization of software development.

Objectives: Presented is a model introducing a quantitative software development management methodology that estimates the relative importance and risk of functionality retention or abundance, which determines the final value of the software product.

Method: The final value of the software product is interpreted as a function of the requirements and functionalities, represented as a computational graph (called a software product graph). The software product graph allows the relative importance of functionalities to be estimated by calculating the corresponding partial derivatives of the value function. The risk of not implementing the functionality is estimated by reducing the final value of a product.

Validation: This model has been applied to two EU projects: CareHD and vINCI. In vINCI, the functionalities with the most significant added value to the application were developed based on the implemented model and those that brought the least value were abandoned. Optimization was not implemented in the CareHD project and proceeded as initially designed. Consequently, only 71% of the CareHD’s potential value has been realized.

Conclusions: Presented model enables rational management and organization of software product development with real-time quantitative evaluation of functionalities impacts, assessment of the risks of omitting them without a significant impact. A quantitative evaluation of the impacts and risks of retention or abundance is possible based on the proposed algorithm, which is the core of the model. This model is a tool for rational organization and development of software products.

The GraphMassivizer plenary meeting is underway in #Walldorf, hosted by our valued partner metaphacts GmbH

We’re thrilled to gather for three days of collaboration, sharing project results, and planning upcoming activities.

Radu Prodan, Laurentiu Vasiliu, Irina Schmidt, Roberta Turra, Peter Haase, Richard Lloyd Stevens, Alexandru Iosup, Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, Nuria De Lama, Reza Farahani.

Title: Designing A Sustainable Serverless Graph Processing Tool on the Computing Continuum

Abstract: Graph processing has become increasingly popular and essential for solving complex problems in various domains, like social networks. However, processing graphs at a massive scale poses critical challenges, such as inefficient resource and energy utilization. To bridge such challenges, the Graph-Massivizer project, funded by the Horizon Europe research and innovation program, conducts research and develops a high-performance, scalable, and sustainable platform for information processing and reasoning based on the massive graph (MG) representation of extreme data. This paper presents an initial architectural design for the Choreographer, one of the five Graph-Massivizer tools. We explain Choreographer’s components and their collaboration with other Graph-Massivizer tools. We demonstrate how Choreographer can adopt the emerging serverless computing paradigm to process Basic Graph Operations (BGOs) as serverless functions across the computing continuum efficiently. Moreover, we present an early vision of our federated Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) testbed, which will be used to conduct experiments and assess Choreographer performance.