The H2020 FET-HPC project ASPIDE started with the Kickoff meeting at the University Carlos III in Madrid.

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Aspide group picture

Abstract: Training and evaluation of laparoscopic skills have become an important aspect of young surgeons’ education. The evaluation process is currently performed manually by experienced surgeons through reviewing video recordings of laparoscopic procedures for detecting technical errors using conventional video players and specific pen and paper rating schemes. The problem is, that the manual review process is time-consuming and exhausting, but nevertheless necessary to support young surgeons in their educational training. Motivated by the need to reduce the effort in evaluating laparoscopic skills, we investigate state-of-the-art content analysis approaches for finding error-prone video sections.


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Dr. Muhammad Aleem  from the Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, visits ITEC@AAU for a period of two months, invited by Prof. Radu Prodan. They will jointly investigate novel programming paradigms, APIs, runtime tools, and methodologies for expressing data-intensive tasks on Exascale systems.

Christian Timmerer

The 123rd MPEG meeting will be hosted from Monday, 16 July 2018 to Friday, 20 July 2018 in Ljubljana. The agenda contains various standardization items in the area of audio, video, 3D graphics, and systems, specifically on versatile video coding (VVC), MPEG-DASH, and MPEG-I. Dr. Timmerer is a long-standing MPEG member and currently works in the area of MPEG-DASH and MPEG-I. Additionally, he’s an advisor to the MPEG convenor and MPEG’s spokesperson. He maintains a MPEG news archive which can be found here:


Prof. Radu Prodan

Prof. Radu Prodan together with Prof. Dr. Eng. Florin Pop and Dr. Gabriel Antoniu published an editorial on “RM-BDP: Resource management for Big Data platforms” in Future Generation Computer Systems (Volume 86, September 2018, Pages 961-963).

Nowadays, when we face with numerous data, when data cannot be classified into regular relational databases and new solutions are required, and when data are generated and processed rapidly, we need powerful platforms and infrastructure as support. Extracting valuable information from raw data is especially difficult considering the velocity of growing data from year to year and the fact that 80% of data is unstructured. In addition, data sources are heterogeneous (various sensors, users with different profiles, etc.) and are located in different situations or contexts. Cloud computing, which concerns large-scale interconnected systems with the main purpose of aggregation and efficient exploiting the power of widely distributed resources, represent one viable solution. Resource management and task scheduling play an essential role, in cases where one is concerned with optimized use of resources (Negru et al., 2017).
The goal of this special issue is to explore new directions and approaches for reasoning about advanced resource management and task scheduling methods and algorithms for Big Data platforms. The accepted papers present new results in the domain of resource management and task scheduling, Cloud platforms supporting Big Data processing, data handling and Big Data applications.

Nishant Saurabh

Nishant Saurabh, as a representative of Prof. Radu Prodan from ITEC@AAU visited Thapar University, Patiala, Punjub, India for ongoing and prospective  future  research collaborations with Prof. Neeraj Kumar and his team. Prof. Neeraj Kumar research together with Prof. Radu Prodan on “QoS-aware Energy Management Scheme for Self-Sustainable Data Centers using Renewable Energy Sources”, a project jointly funded by ÖAD and DST.

Prof. Radu Prodan

Prof. Radu Prodan gives an invited presentation on “Multi-Objective Workflow Scheduling on Clouds” at the Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems organised at the ISC High-Performance 2018 Conference in Frankfurt, Germany.

ITEC is delighted to announce the next speaker in our guest lecture series – it will be Prof. Jorge Barbosa from Universidade do Porto, Portugal.
The course will take place from November 8-10 and November 22-24, 2018. Read more

This keynote speech will give an overview of the research work on multi‐UAV systems (or: drone swarms) at AAU Klagenfurt, performed over almost a decade in the research focus area ‘Networked and Autonomous Systems’.

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Christian Timmerer

Real-time entertainment services deployed over the open, unmanaged Internet – streaming audio and video – account now for more than 70% of the Internet traffic and it is assumed that this number will reach 80% by 2021. Read more