Distributed and Parallel Systems

Pictures from the Rigorosum with Prof. Thomas Fahringer and Prof. Justus Piater.

Matthias Janetscheck Defense Pic 1

Prof. Radu Prodan

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Radu Prodan has been invited to be a part of panel discussion on emerging Blockchain and Edge computing technology and paradigms at PAISE (Parallel AI and Systems for the Edge), collocated workshop at the prestigious 33rd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2019 to be held at Rio de Janerio, Brazil (May 20-24 2019).

Nishant Saurabh

The paper “Semantics-aware Virtual Machine Image Management in IaaS Clouds” has been accepted for publication at 33rd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium , IPDPS 2019 to be held at Rio de Janerio, Brazil (May 20-24 2019).

Authors: Nishant Saurabh (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Julian Remmers (University of Innsbruck), Dragi Kimovski (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Radu Prodan (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Jorge G. Barbosa (LIACC, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto).

Abstract: Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) Clouds concurrently accommodate diverse sets of user requests, requiring an efficient strategy for storing and retrieving virtual machine images (VMIs) at a large scale. The VMI storage management require dealing with multiple VMIs, typically in the magnitude of gigabytes, which entails VMI sprawl issues hindering the elastic resource management and provisioning. Nevertheless, existing techniques to facilitate VMI management overlook VMI semantics (i.e at the level of base image and software packages) with either restricted possibility to identify and extract reusable functionalities or with higher VMI publish and retrieval overheads. In this paper, we design, implement and evaluate Expelliarmus, a novel VMI management system that helps to minimize storage, publish and retrieval overheads. To achieve this goal, Expelliarmus incorporates three complementary features. First, it makes use of VMIs modelled as semantic graphs to expedite the similarity computation between multiple VMIs. Second, Expelliarmus provides a semantic aware VMI decomposition and base image selection to extract and store non-redundant base image and software packages. Third, Expelliarmus can also assemble VMIs based on the required software packages upon user request. We evaluate Expelliarmus through a representative set of synthetic Cloud VMIs on the real test-bed. Experimental results show that our semantic-centric approach is able to optimize repository size by 2.2-16 times compared to state-of-the-art systems (e.g. IBM’s Mirage and Hemera) with significant VMI publish and retrieval performance improvement.

Keyword: Virtual machine image management, semantic similarity, storage optimization
Acknowledgement: The The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG, grant agreement 848448, Tiroler Cloud) and the European Union (Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, grant agreement 644179, ARTICONF) funded this work.

Nishant Saurabh

The poster “Towards a semantic-centric VMI repository management” has been accepted for presentation at PhD forum event of 33rd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS 2019 to be held at Rio de Janerio, Brazil (May 20-24 2019)

Authors: Nishant Saurabh (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt), Radu Prodan (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt)

Wer schafft mehr Rechenoperation pro Sekunde? Hochleistungsrechner sind ein wichtiges Werkzeug im Lösen wissenschaftlicher Probleme. HIER der aktuelle Standard Artikel – ein Interview mit Prof. Radu Prodan.

Prof. Radu Prodan coordinated EU H2020 Horizon project – ARTICONF (smART socIal media eCOsystem in a blockchaiN Federated environment) held its first kick-off meeting at Klagenfurt from January 8th – 10th 2019. The ARTICONF team comprising of international partners from Austria, Netherlands, UK, Macedonia, Portugal, Spain, and Norway pledged support to create a novel decentralized and trusted social media ecosystem.  The international team with diverse expertise ranging from blockchain to digital sociology discussed the road map of the project over three years stipulated period and outlined innovative ways of contribution to European Union’s grand vision of Next Generation Internet (NGI) goals.

Prof. Radu Prodan

From October 13-22, 2018 Prof. Radu Prodan visited Chandigarh University and Lovely Professional University in India for interaction with research scholars and discussions about the common research projects.