Radu participated and gave a keynote talk at the ICONIC 2024. To mark the 100th Birth Anniversary of Jean Bartik, one of the original six programmers of the ENIAC Computer, LPU hosted “BARTIK100 – International Conference on Networks, Intelligence and Computing (ICONIC-2024).” The conference provided a platform for scientists, researchers, academicians, industrialists, and students to assimilate the knowledge and get the opportunity to discuss and share insights through deep-dive research findings on the recent disruptions and developments in computing.


On Thursday, 25.04.2024, Kseniia organized and participated with Marie Biedermann and Rachel Gorden (student and graduate of Game Studies and Engineering) in the Women in Data Science Villach 2024 Conference. During this event, they conducted a workshop to acquaint participants with the online interactive fiction tool Twine, guiding them in creating their initial game projects. Besides explaining the main features of Twine, they also talked about how Data Science is used in games. Additionally, they introduced the educational and knowledge dissemination potential of gamification.



Authors: Reza Farahani (AAU, Austria), and Vignesh V Menon (Fraunhofer HHI, Berlin, Germany)

Venue: The 12th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP 2024)

08-11 September, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland

The 15th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference was held from 15-18 April, 2024 in Bari, Italy. MMSys 2024 provides a forum to leading researchers from academia and industry to present and share their latest findings in multimedia systems.

Christian Timmerer, Mathias Lux, Samira Afzal, Christian Bauer, Daniele Lorenzi, Emanuele Artioli, Mohammad Ghasempour, Shivi Vats, and Armin Lachini participated and presented ATHENA, GAIA, and SPIRIT contributions:

Within the Organizing Committee Christian Timmerer officiated as TPC Chair and Farzad Tashtarian as Proceeding Chair.



On Friday, 12 April 2024, seven representatives of the Pioneers of Game Development Austria (https://pgda.at/) visited the University of Klagenfurt for the event Press Start: Your Journey into Game Development, organised by the master’s programme Game Studies and Engineering. The PGDA members, composed of different video game developers from all over Austria, provided insightful talks, gave feedback on student game projects, and provided personal support during a mentoring café. Attracting about 50 GSE students, academic staff, senate members, and many potential new students, the event can be considered the most successful in recent GSE history.


Wenn Tom Tuček über die Welt spricht, muss er stets konkretisieren: Handelt es sich um die reale Welt oder um virtuelle Welten? Der Doktorand am Institut für Informationstechnologie beschäftigt sich aktuell mit digital humans, also virtuellen Figuren, denen wir beispielsweise in Videospielen begegnen. Tom Tuček möchte gerne wissen, wie sich der Kontakt mit digitalen Menschen, die mit neuer Künstlicher Intelligenz ausgestattet werden, auf die Spieler:innen auswirkt.

Read the whole interview here: https://www.aau.at/blog/das-spiel-mit-dem-digitalen-menschen/




The enduring popularity of the Pokémon franchise can be explained by a mix of nostalgia, constant innovation, and their appeal to a wide and diverse fan base, as Felix Schniz, game studies scholar and senior scientist at the University of Klagenfurt, explains: Pokémon is a pioneer of this dynamic. The game perfectly shows how a franchise can stay fresh and relevant through the ongoing reinterpretation of its genre dimensions.

Read the whole interview here: Dringel, Severin: “Tag des Pokémon – Warum Pokémon 28 Jahre später immer noch ein Renner ist.” Kleine Zeitung International, 27.02.2024. https://www.kleinezeitung.at/international/18047876/warum-pokemon-auch-nach-zwanzig-jahren-immer-noch-ein-renner-ist


Pokemon Ash Transparent Background PNG Image




”Fictional Practices of Spirituality” provides critical insight into the implementation of belief, mysticism, religion, and spirituality into (digital) worlds of fiction. This first volume focuses on interactive, virtual worlds – may that be the digital realms of video games and VR applications or the imaginary spaces of life action role-playing and soul-searching practices. It features analyses of spirituality as gameplay facilitator, sacred spaces and architecture in video game geography, religion in video games and spiritual acts and their dramaturgic function in video games, tabletop, or larp, among other topics. The contributors offer a first-time ever comprehensive overview of play-rites as spiritual incentives and playful spirituality in various medial incarnations.

The anthology was edited by Felix Schniz and Leonardo Marcato. It is now available as a printed copy, or for download via Open Access. Published by transcript 2023.

book: Fictional Practices of Spirituality I

The 15th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (Technical Demos)

15-18 April, 2024 in Bari, Italy

Authors: Samuel Radler* (AAU, Austria) , Leon Prüller* (AAU, Austria), Emanuele Artioli (AAU, Austria), Farzad Tashtarian (AAU, Austria), and Christian Timmerer (AAU, Austria)

As streaming services become more commonplace, analyzing their behavior effectively under different network conditions is crucial. This is normally quite expensive, requiring multiple players with different bandwidth configurations to be emulated by a powerful local machine or a cloud environment. Furthermore, emulating a realistic network behavior or guaranteeing adherence to a real network trace is challenging. This paper presents PyStream, a simple yet powerful way to emulate a video streaming network, allowing multiple simultaneous tests to run locally. By leveraging a network of Docker containers, many of the implementation challenges are abstracted away, keeping the resulting system easily manageable and upgradeable. We demonstrate how PyStream not only reduces the requirements for testing a video streaming system but also improves the accuracy of the emulations with respect to the current state-of-the-art. On average, PyStream reduces the error between the original network trace and the bandwidth emulated by video players by a factor of 2-3 compared to Wondershaper, a common network traffic shaper in many video streaming evaluation environments. Moreover, PyStream decreases the cost of running experiments compared to existing cloud-based video streaming evaluation environments such as CAdViSE.



The 15th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (Open-source Software and Datasets)

15-18 April, 2024 in Bari, Italy

Authors: Farzad Tashtarian∗ (AAU, Austria), Daniele Lorenzi∗ (AAU, Austria), Hadi Amirpour  (AAU, Austria), Samira Afzal  (AAU, Austria), and Christian Timmerer (AAU, Austria)

HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) has emerged as the predominant solution for delivering video content on the Internet. The urgency of the climate crisis has accentuated the demand for investigations into the environmental impact of HAS techniques. In HAS, clients rely on adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithms to drive the quality selection for video segments. Focusing on maximizing video quality, these algorithms often prioritize maximizing video quality under favorable network conditions, disregarding the impact of energy consumption. To thoroughly investigate the effects of energy consumption, including the impact of bitrate and other video parameters such as resolution and codec, further research is still needed. In this paper, we propose COCONUT, a COntent COnsumption eNergy measUrement daTaset for adaptive video streaming collected through a digital multimeter on various types of client devices, such as laptop and smartphone, streaming MPEG-DASH segments.