Entries by martina

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Master thesis at ITEC wins Dynatrace Outstanding IT-Thesis Award

With his master thesis about “Animating Characters using Deep Learning based Pose Estimation”, Fabian Schober won the “Dynatrace Outstanding IT-Thesis Award” (DO*IT*TA). The award brings attention to extraordinary theses, motivates creativity, and provides insight into modern technologies. In his thesis, Fabian Schober focuses on animating 2D (video game) characters using the PoseNet pose estimation model. […]

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Hadi Amirpour appointed co-chair of IMEx

Hadi Amirpour has been appointed co-chair of Task Force 7 (TF7) Immersive Media Experience (IMEx) at the 15th Qualinet meeting Co-chairs: Hadi Amirpour (AAU) Asim Hameed (NTNU) Maria Torres Vega (UGhent) Irene Viola, (CWI)   TF7: Immersive Media Experiences (IMEx) Immersive media applications are entering our daily lives starting from VR/AR/360° video applications to multi-sensory/multimedia […]

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Christian Timmerer to give a Keynote at the 35th Picture Coding Symposium 2021

HTTP Adaptive Streaming – Quo Vadis? Christian Timmerer, Tuesday, June 29, 2021 35th Picture Coding Symposium (PCS) 2021 Abstract: Video traffic on the Internet is constantly growing; networked multimedia applications consume a predominant share of the available Internet bandwidth. A major technical breakthrough and enabler in multimedia systems research and of industrial networked multimedia services […]

Excellent Reviews at the Second EC Review for the ARTICONF Project

ARTICONF impressed the reviewers with their advancements in the second year and passed the second EC review with flying colors.  The project officer and reviewers echoed the effort put together by the consortium in achieving an integrated ARTICONF product while maintaining a pile of scientific output at the highest level. The EC reviewers iterated that […]

Computer Graphics Course in SS 2021 – Prof. Carsten Griwodz

ITEC is delighted to announce the next speaker in our guest lecture series – Prof. Carsten Griwodz from the University of Oslo & SIMULA Research Laboratory, Norway. The online-course will take place from March 5 – May 28, 2021. This course is meant to provide the participants with the means for evaluating end-user satisfaction with […]

Feedback on online-teaching

Teaching in times of Corona is a particular challenge. An online survey among AAU students shows that they were delighted with the digital teaching formats. Here you will find the best feedback from the students: https://www.aau.at/feedback-zur-online-lehre/ Josef received very positive reviews, for example: “The course became more and more enjoyable, not only because of the […]