Entries by martina

5th Klagenfurt Winter Game Jam was a big success!

The 5th Klagenfurt Winter Game Jam took place as a hybrid event on Dec 17-19, 2021. Over 100 participants teamed up over the weekend to create altogether 26 games on the topic of “What’s in the box?”. The games can be found and played at https://itch.io/jam/5th-winter-game-jam.  

ARTICONF Project Meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia

In a hybrid (i.e. online and offline) attendance mode at the project meeting in Ohrid, Macedonia, the ARTICONF team gave a final push to have a unified and integrated ARTICONF toolset for DApp developers. The consortium led by project coordinator Prof. Prodan also outlined a detailed action plan for the remaining six months with regards […]

VQEG NORM talk on Video Quality Analyzer

Vignesh V Menon and Hadi Amirpour gave a talk on ‘Video Complexity Analyzer for Streaming Applications’ at the Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG) meeting on December 14, 2021. Our research activities on video complexity analysis were presented in the talk. The link to the presentation can be found here (pdf).


Radu Prodan @ Horizon Cloud Summit 2021 & Cloud Expo Europe

The Horizon Cloud Summit 2021 – at its second edition – aims to gather innovators and researchers, Cloud adopters, policymakers, and Cloud initiatives and open source projects to shape the EU digital transition. Radu Prodan held an online presentation: “ARTICONF: A Cloud-agnostic Blockchain-as-a-Service for Social Continuum“ on December 09, 2021.  


ANGELA won the 2nd Best Paper Award in IFIP/IEEE PEMWN 2021 Conference

The ANGELA: HTTP Adaptive Streaming and Edge Computing Simulator paper from ATHENA CD laboratory has won the 2nd Best Paper Award in the 10th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks (PEMWN). More information about the paper can be found in the blog post.

Felix Schniz completed his PhD

On November 23rd, 2021, Felix Schniz successfully defended his thesis on “What is a Videogame Experience? A Peripatetic Acknowledgement of Inner Sentiments in Virtual Worlds” under the supervision of Assoc.-Prof. Mag. Dr. René Reinhold Schallegger. The defense was chaired by Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Werner Delanoy and the examiners were Assoc. Dr. Nick Webber (Birmingham City University) and Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr. […]