Multimedia Communication

Prof. Hellwagner, head of ITEC, has been appointed Member of the Scientific Board of  the CD Research Association for the period of 2019. The Christian Doppler Research Association promotes cooperation between science and business, whereas the Scientific Board and its members serve as scientific advisory committee to ensure the quality of research. The CDG Scientific Board consists of up to 45 members from Academia and Business. Prof. Hellwagner’s appointment is effective from January, 2019.

ATHENA stands for Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Emerging Networked Multimedia Services and has been jointly proposed by the Institute of Information Technology (ITEC; at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU) and Bitmovin GmbH ( to address current and future research and deployment challenges of HTTP adaptive steaming (HAS) and emerging streaming methods. Read more

The 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP; will be held in Athens, Greece on October 7-10, 2018. ITEC researcher Anatoliy Zabrovskiy will present “A Practical Evaluation of Video Codecs for Large-Scale HTTP Adaptive Streaming Services” within the special session on “Video Coding at Scale”. The abstract is as follows: The number of bandwidth-hungry applications and services is constantly growing. HTTP adaptive streaming of audiovisual content accounts for the majority of today’s internet traffic. Although the internet bandwidth increases also constantly, audio-visual compression technology is inevitable and we are currently facing the challenge to be confronted with multiple video codecs. This paper provides a practical evaluation of state of the art video codecs (i. e., AV1, AVC/libx264, HEVC/libx265, VP9/Iibvpx-vp9) for large-scale HTTP adaptive streaming services. In anticipation of the results, AV1 shows promising performance compared to established video codecs. Additionally, AV1 is intended to be royalty free making it worthwhile to be considered for large scale HTTP adaptive streaming services. Read more

Hermann Hellwagner actively participated in the “IKT-Konvent 2018” in Vienna on September 17, 2018. The event was to boost Austrian R&D, commercial, and educational activities toward the fully digital and connected world. As one of the panel members, Hellwagner contributed to the session “5G Applications” which discussed potential applications and benefits of future 5G networks, how to prototype and introduce 5G infrastructure and applications, and which cooperations among industry, academia, and government are required to perform 5G projects and become a frontrunner in the 5G area.

Christian Timmerer

ITEC researcher Christian Timmerer co-authored a survey on bitrate adaptation schemes for streaming media over HTTP which has been accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial and will be available as open access. This journal covers all aspects of the communication field with an impact factor of 20.23 according to IEEEExplore.

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Philipp Moll

Philipp Moll is currently visiting his Mentor Jeff Burke at UCLA in Los Angeles. During the stay at UCLA, he is working together with the researchers of the _Center for Research in Engineering, Media, and Performance_ (REMAP) and with Lixia Zhang’s group of the _Internet Research Lab_ (IRL).

The stay is enabled by the Young Scientists Mentoring Program of AAU, where Philipp Moll is taking part and mentored by Prof. Jeff Burke.

Christian Timmerer

The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) is sponsored by four IEEE societies since 2000 and provides a forum to discuss latest developments in the domain of multimedia technologies related to circuits and systems, communications, computer, and signal processing communities. Dr. Timmerer will give a full-day tutorial on “Delivering Traditional and Omnidirectional Media” together with renowned experts Ali C. Begen and Liangping Ma. Furthermore, he will participate in IEEE business meetings, notably board meeting of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Multimedia Communications Technical Committee (MMTC), and IEEE Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing (TCMC).




Christian Timmerer

The 123rd MPEG meeting will be hosted from Monday, 16 July 2018 to Friday, 20 July 2018 in Ljubljana. The agenda contains various standardization items in the area of audio, video, 3D graphics, and systems, specifically on versatile video coding (VVC), MPEG-DASH, and MPEG-I. Dr. Timmerer is a long-standing MPEG member and currently works in the area of MPEG-DASH and MPEG-I. Additionally, he’s an advisor to the MPEG convenor and MPEG’s spokesperson. He maintains a MPEG news archive which can be found here:


This keynote speech will give an overview of the research work on multi‐UAV systems (or: drone swarms) at AAU Klagenfurt, performed over almost a decade in the research focus area ‘Networked and Autonomous Systems’.

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Christian Timmerer

Real-time entertainment services deployed over the open, unmanaged Internet – streaming audio and video – account now for more than 70% of the Internet traffic and it is assumed that this number will reach 80% by 2021. Read more