Multimedia Information Systems (MMIS)

We at ITEC strongly believe that multimedia content creation, retrieval, sharing and processing offer great research challenges and research in this area is beneficial to cultural and technology development of our society.

More specifically, we focus our research on

  • Interactive multimedia search and retrieval
  • Multimedia analytics
  • Medical multimedia information systems
  • Multimedia indexing and retrieval
  • User-centered multimedia and multimedia experience

One of our main research topics is medical multimedia information systems, where we investigate novel methods to automatically analyze the content of medical videos (from endoscopic inspections/surgeries, or microscopic surgeries) and use analysis results to build up an information retrieval system for a medical video database. This includes automatic filtering of relevant content, effective domain-specific compression of video data, automatic content indexing and detection of semantics, such as anatomical structures, instruments, surgical actions, and surgical errors, as well as the investigation of efficient and appropriate interfaces to provide browsing and searching (i.e., content-based retrieval) in the underlying video data. Relevant research projects in this field are: EndoVIP, EndoVIP2, CODE-MM, and KISMET. More details on our research on medical multimedia information systems can be found here.

Another important topic is interactive video retrieval (for videos in general), where we investigate novel interfaces and approaches to improve content-based search in large video archives. For that effort, we organize an annual international video retrieval competition since 2012, called the Video Browser Showdown. There we evaluate video retrieval systems developed by international researchers in the field of multimedia, which compete in solving Known-Item Search (KIS) as well as Ad-Hoc Video Search (AVS) tasks as quickly as possible for a shared video dataset. For the last three years we used the IAAC.3 dataset for that purpose, consisting of 4.593 Internet Archive videos, covering 600h of video content, in collaboration with NIST/TRECVID, which also provided challenging AVS tasks.

ITEC also has a strong track record in visual information retrieval including local and global visual features, temporal features for video retrieval and lately deep learning for visual information retrieval. The popular open source software libraries Lire and LireSolr are just two examples of successful research to application projects. We also consider multimedia not independent from users and investigate user intentions and user goals in context of multimedia consumption and retrieval systems, i.e., by investigating relevance of search results in comparison to the question why people actually triggered a search. In this context we also organize tracks at MultimediaEval on a regular basis.

  • Mathias Lux

    Assoc.-Prof. DI Dr. Mathias Lux

    Associate Professor

  • Assoc.-Prof. DI Dr. Klaus Schöffmann

    Associate Professor & Deputy head of the department

  • Mag. Dr. Marion Taschwer

    System Administrator

  • Rudolf Messner

    System Administrator

  • Martina Steinbacher

    Martina Steinbacher


  • Margit Letter

    Margit Letter, BA


  • Dr. Felix Schniz

    Project Assistant & SPL Game Studies & Engineering

  • Paul Kowatsch

    Student Research Assistant

  • Mario Leopold

    Student Research Assistant

  • Verena Stranner


  • Sahar Nasirihaghighi, MSc

    Project Assistant

  • Sabrina Maria Größing, BEd

    Student Research Assistant for GSE

  • Magdalena Strobl

    GSE assistant

  • Kseniia Harshina, MSc

    Project Assistant

  • Ikram Ounadi


Mathias Lux

Assoc.-Prof. DI Dr. Mathias Lux

Associate Professor

Room: S.2.59

Projects: Automatisierte Generierung von Unternehmenslogos (FFG), Entwicklung einer Applikation für Mobiltelefone (FFG), CodeMM, Echtzeitnahe multimediale Visualisierung bei Simulationen an Fahrzeugprüfständen.

Assoc.-Prof. DI Dr. Klaus Schöffmann

Associate Professor & Deputy head of the department

Room: S.2.58

Projects: OVID, SQUASH, CodeAbility

Mag. Dr. Marion Taschwer

System Administrator

Room: S.2.52

Projects: OVID

Rudolf Messner

System Administrator

Room: 2.41a

Martina Steinbacher

Martina Steinbacher


Room: S.2.61

Projects: ARTICONF

Margit Letter

Margit Letter, BA


Room: S.2.61

Dr. Felix Schniz

Project Assistant & SPL Game Studies & Engineering

Room: S.1.41

Project: 5G Playground

Paul Kowatsch

Student Research Assistant

Room: S.2.49

Project: CodeAbility

Mario Leopold

Student Research Assistant

Room: S.1.41

Verena Stranner


Room: S.2.61

Sahar Nasirihaghighi, MSc

Project Assistant

Room: S.2.49

Project: SQUASH

Sabrina Maria Größing, BEd

Student Research Assistant for GSE

Room: S.1.41


Magdalena Strobl

GSE assistant

Room: S.1.41

Kseniia Harshina, MSc

Project Assistant

Room: S.1.41

Ada Lovelace Project

Ikram Ounadi


Ongoing Projects

We actively participate in numerous international and national research projects, ranging from basic research to application-oriented projects and direct cooperation with industry, such as:

  • SQUASH – Surgical Quality Assessment in Gynecologic Laparoscopy
  • OVID – Relevance Detection in Ophthalmic Surgery Videos
  • CodeAbility Austria – digitally supported programming education at Austrian Universities

Completed Projects

We gained our expertise due to actively participation in numerous international and national research projects, ranging from basic research to application-oriented projects and direct cooperation with industry, such as

  • KISMET – Knowledge & Information Sharing in Medical Expert Teams
  • ENDOVIP2 – Endoscopic video processing
  • CROSMOS – Cooperation, Resource-Optimization an Self-Orgenization in Mobile, Mixed-Reality Environments
  • CODEMM – Community of Domain Experts in Medical Multimedia
  • NGVB – Next-Generation Video Browsing