Felix, Tom, Claudia, Sebastian @ HaruCon

On the weekend of April 27-28th, HaruCon, Carinthea’s youth pop culture convention, took place (https://www.harucon.at/) in Klagenfurt. Felix, Tom, Claudia, Sebastian, and many Game Studies and Engineering students were present and represented GSE, TEWI, and the university. Tom and Sebastian held a workshop on how to enter the video game industry, while Felix held one for an introduction to video game analysis. The convention was an enormous success, with more than 2000 visitors over two days. Flyers, buttons, and stickers were handed out to everyone so that awareness of the university as part of Klagenfurt’s youth culture could continue to grow. How to study there, especially video games and many other burning questions were answered by our brave helpers more than a hundred times during the convention.