The research group “Multimedia Communication (MMC)” is being led by Prof. Hermann Hellwagner an Assoc. Prof. Christian Timmerer. In addition, the group currently has two university assistants, five project staff members, and two administrative and technical staff members.
The research activities of the group are in the areas of
- Multimedia communication and multimedia content adaptation
- Use of Scalable Video Coding (SVC) technology in networks
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH)
- Multimedia content dissemination in Information-Centric Networks (ICN)
- Quality of Experience (QoE) beyond audio-visual perception: sensory experience
- Inter-Destination Media Synchronization (IDMS)
- Standardization within ISO/IEC MPEG
- Multimedia in emergency response
The focus of the MMC group is clearly on adaptive delivery of audio-visual contents. The projects being pursued by the group typically contribute to the Information-Centric Networking (ICN) / Content-Aware Networks (CAN) area of Future Internet research.
The group actively participates in several international and national research projects on all levels, ranging from basic research to application-oriented projects and direct cooperation with industry.
In teaching, the MMC group covers the technical courses of the Informatics Bachelor and Master study programs such as Computer Organization, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Server and Cloud Computing, and special courses on “Media Informatics” (Bachelor level) and “Distributed Multimedia Systems” (Master level).