
Is a game developed for the 2nd Klagenfurt Game Jam (17th April - 19th April 2015). The game was developed by Philipp Überbacher, using the Löve framework (love2d.org) and gimp (gimp.org).


Energy plus two story cubes. I interpreted one of the cubes as a witch on her broomstick, the other one as a sleeping creature.


I implemented a few diversifiers:

  1. My father a Wookie was.
  2. NNSFW.
  3. I believe I can fly.
  4. Rhymify.

Further Restrictions

I personally decided before the game jam that I would not implement any collision detection. The only thing I did end up implementing was a simple mechanism to keep the witch from leaving the screen. In addition to that, I exclusively used free software, as I always do.

The Game

In this game you are a witch that harvests wookie energy to keep her broom flying. Your nine wookies managed to break out, and if more than half of them escape, your broom will crash and you lose the game. If you keep half of them from fleeing for a certain amount of time, your witch colleagues will arrive and help you recapture them.


Alternatively, if you run this game on Linux, you can use a cable-bound Xbox360 controller.

Have fun!